Some of you know the story, some of you do not. If you would like to ask me about it, feel free. Number 3 on my "Blog Chain" post was replaced with "THIS POINT HAS BEEN DELETED. If you would like to know more about it please ask me as it has to do with my political views." Please know that this was done before I recieved "hate mail" from my own family, everyone has opinons and views that exist because of individual experience and belief, please respect another person's opinion and belief as you would want your own respected.
I would like everyone to be absolutely clear about this post:
1. This post was not deleted because ANYONE asked me to delete it, no one was in danger because of this post, no "grave consequences" occured because of this post and some of you have been watching far too much media about the FBI, the government and "terror" which means you probably don't know how to think for yourself anymore.
2. I have the right to exercise something called "The Freedom of Speech" and I will use it as I choose, if you have a problem with something I believe, feel or think you can contact ME and talk to me about it directly, it is very clear that these are MY OPINIONS AND MY VIEWS and no one else has the right to tell me what to say, do, or think. These opinions are MY OWN, not my families, not my friends, MY OWN.
3. The whole entire point of my post was to praise and admire an amazing person, I'm sorry that some of you CHOSE to view this as being negative, get a life and stop judging mine.
Host a Christmas Cookie Decorating Party for Kids
2 months ago
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