Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Day 3 of "Halloweek" HALLOWEEN!

Today it was a race to the finish! We had an ALL-STAR team costume and it was so much fun! Enjoy pics of Bill Bowerman, Phil Knight and Steve Prefontaine...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Day 2 of "Halloweek"

On day two of "Halloweek" Cruella Deville stopped by...and she was looking for puppies!! What an evil sight!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Day 1 of "Halloweek"

In the spirit of the 80's a living "Rainbow Brite" emerged on day one of 3 costumes, check back to see what comes next!

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Single Life of "LuLu Lefty Ringfinger"

LuLu Lefty Ringfinger woke up a couple days ago and she realized something...the days of her "single" finger life are numbered. She doesn't know exactly when it will happen but word on the street says that she doesn't have long before the diamond becomes her new best friend. Ever since she heard this I've seen a crazy side of her come out. She has always been very conservative, never really gone out in anything too "flashy" or "attention getting" but now she's parading all over town in all kinds of "come hither" get-ups. She also mentioned something about getting a set of large "fake tips" and I just don't know if I can support that.

Something Was Taken From Me...

Last Friday a good friend of mine vanished. We had our quarterly Nike Golf meeting and my time with "The Major" came to a screeching halt. While I was on the phone someone trophy-napped him. He was taken to a strange place and I'm sure he is alone and afraid, I didn't even have a chance to say good-bye to him. Apparently after I left for the day (early because I was so upset) the authorities came to work the crime scene...

Monday, October 8, 2007

A note about the Freedom Of Speech

Some of you know the story, some of you do not. If you would like to ask me about it, feel free. Number 3 on my "Blog Chain" post was replaced with "THIS POINT HAS BEEN DELETED. If you would like to know more about it please ask me as it has to do with my political views." Please know that this was done before I recieved "hate mail" from my own family, everyone has opinons and views that exist because of individual experience and belief, please respect another person's opinion and belief as you would want your own respected.

I would like everyone to be absolutely clear about this post:

1. This post was not deleted because ANYONE asked me to delete it, no one was in danger because of this post, no "grave consequences" occured because of this post and some of you have been watching far too much media about the FBI, the government and "terror" which means you probably don't know how to think for yourself anymore.

2. I have the right to exercise something called "The Freedom of Speech" and I will use it as I choose, if you have a problem with something I believe, feel or think you can contact ME and talk to me about it directly, it is very clear that these are MY OPINIONS AND MY VIEWS and no one else has the right to tell me what to say, do, or think. These opinions are MY OWN, not my families, not my friends, MY OWN.

3. The whole entire point of my post was to praise and admire an amazing person, I'm sorry that some of you CHOSE to view this as being negative, get a life and stop judging mine.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

The Fabulous Five!

If you haven't heard by now Tony and I are planning our wedding! If you know me at all you know that I am a perfectionist and I need as much time as possible to plan things perfectly, I am very detail oriented and love every moment involved in planning a special event! I will have 5 wonderful bridesmaids and some of them are very far away. I can't imagine my life without these five people in it, saying that I can't imagine my special day without any of them close to me.

Here are the Girls and here are the dresses!

Jamie - You're not just my younger sister you're an amazing woman and my friend! We shared our childhoods, hopes and dreams together and you know everything about me. You always knew which ones were the wrong ones and totally agreed when I found the right one. You became a wife and are about to become a mother and I admire you greatly! You've come a long way baby!

Mandi - You became one of my best friends at an early age and saw me through some the hardest parts of my life. You were my second sister, you and your mom were my family when I had no girls left to be a girl with. We told oneanother about secret crushes and got into all kinds of trouble! You are now a wife and a mother and I'm so proud of you!

Mindy - I can still remember the first time I met you in college, you thought I was crazy. I've always taken life at full speed and you were the friend who reminded me to stop and smell the roses. We stayed up all night trying to meet graphic design deadlines and you were always there to give good advice and good hugs. You've experienced life as a wife and will soon be a mom like no other!

Amy - Where to begin. You've seen me at my best and worst times, you've seen me really happy and really stressed out, and you are such a supportive friend. You've always been there to listen to my hopes and dreams about life and you are one of the most genuine, caring people I know. Whenever I feel like life is going too fast to enjoy you check up on me and remind me about one of the most important things, friends!

Anna - I honestly thought I would never meet anyone in this world that would be as loud as me, I've met my match. I knew I loved you the day I met you. It's rare to say that you've experienced love at first sight twice but Tony came first and then there was you. You are so much like me it's crazy! You make me laugh every day and you keep my life full of excitment and fun, great minds think alike and frankly our brains scare me.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A Colorful Thank You!

Last Friday my good friend Dave left us a beautiful thank you! When we came in to work we found that a very colorful surprise was left behind for us! We had a really good time putting the bake sale together and felt honored to help with such a wonderful cause and then this! Wow! Such a nice surprise!!